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Directions and Submission Details

Eligibility Rule 

Article V, Section 5 of the By-laws of the NJEA Frederick L. Hipp Foundation for Excellence in Education, the following eligibility exclusions apply:  “No member of the Board of Trustees, the Advisory Committee or the Grant Selection Committee shall have or obtain a financial interest in any contract, grant or award made by the Foundation to any person or entity.” The Hipp Board of Trustees consists of the individuals who comprise the Executive Committee of the New Jersey Education Association.

Follow these directions to complete each section

IMPORTANT: After you have completed filling out the application and it is SAVED and FINALIZED, you'll be instructed to download and print a hard copy of the application to obtain three signatures. Those signatures will include the project coordinator (you), local president, and superintendent/ county college president. Signature pages must be returned to us electronically, by uploading them to the application portal in Round 2.  These must be received by the Foundation on or before March 1* to qualify. Applicant should allow ample time to obtain signatures to meet this deadline.


  • All sections of the cover sheet must be completed.
  • Download a PDF and print a copy of your completed application and sign it as the project coordinator.
  • Enter your PERSONAL email address. NOTE: Please check your personal email spam and junk folders regularly during the application process. An email is sent after every round and reminders are sent periodically to complete a started grant.
  • Obtain signatures from your local association president and superintendent/ county college president.       Note: Board approval may be necessary before the application can be signed. Please allow sufficient time to secure these signatures.
  • An application cannot be considered for judging if any of these signatures are missing.


  • Please use only the application portal to compete the grant application.
  • Each section of the application should be concisely and grammatically written.
  • Your project should NOT underwrite programs and materials that are the general responsibility of the school district.
  • Remember: Any reference or abbreviation in Sections 1 through 6 that would allow for the identification of any district, school, county or local association, or individual will result in automatic disqualification of the application.


  • Previous recipients will be permitted to request funding for one additional year.
  • Please provide feedback on the status of your current grant and the potential for continued success.
  • Be specific in identifying your plan to change or improve upon your original grant project based on your reflection and assessments.
  • Remember: Any reference or abbreviation in Sections 1 through 6 that would allow for the identification of any district, school, county or local association, or individual will result in automatic disqualification of the application. 


  • Project Title: List complete title of your project. (DO NOT include the town, school or district/ college name in the title.)
  • 1a. Target Population: Describe the population of students your project targets (e.g., how many students, what age, grade level, etc.).
  • 1b. Community Description: Include a short general description of where the school is located – town size, demographics, and so on. DO NOT specifically name the town, school/ college, district, or county.
  • 1c. Special Factors: Does the project address multicultural issues or diversity (i.e., ethnic cultures; religious; sexual orientation; special needs; cross-graded; intergenerational)?
  • 1d. Needs Assessment: Briefly describe the need for the project in your school, district, and community. State any specific problem being addressed by the proposed project and what has been done to date to assist the target student population.
  • Grant Requested: State the amount needed to fund your project, from $500 to $10,000. (Make sure this amount matches your budget.)
  • Project Timeline: State when you expect to begin and conclude your project. 


  • List the specific objectives you plan to accomplish.


  • Identify and explain the activities you propose to undertake and describe any products or materials that will be developed as a result of project activities, if applicable.
  • Describe any professional development experiences that will be provided through the project.
  • Describe how you will collaborate with others in the school and community in planning, implementing, monitoring, financing, and evaluating the project.
  • Describe how the project will be continued in the future, indicating any potential school and community collaborations, contributions, and funds.
  • If this is a continuation grant, be sure to demonstrate how the continuation project builds on original grant, and how it will be continued after second year of funding is over.


  • Construct a timeline for the project. Timeline should not begin before July 1st.


  • Describe a plan to assess the effectiveness of the project and explain what information will be collected and how the information will be analyzed.
  • How will you measure the success of your project (data, meeting logs, journal entries, rubrics, etc.)?
  • Explain how this project could be replicated or adapted by others.


  • Provide a specific line-item budget of project expenses, such as release time, supplies, printing, etc.
  • Do NOT include gift cards for any expense of the project. 
  • Make sure your budget adds up to and equals the requested grant amount in SECTION 1.
  • Make sure you consider including bank fees and postage in your budget.
  • Applicants are urged to seek additional funding sources, such as the local PTA, education association, school system, college or university, community organizations, and private businesses.

When you're ready to submit your application

  • Save and Finalize your application. Your application will then be locked from editing.
  • Download and print your application.
  • Sign the application as the project coordinator.
  • Obtain signatures of both the local association president and superintendent/ county college president.
  • Upload signature pages to the application portal on or before March 1*
  • An email will be sent to you when the signature pages are received.
  • By the end of April, you will receive an email update on the disposition of your application, whether funded or not.
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