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Frederick L. Hipp Foundation for Excellence in Education 
Grant Opportunity
New Jersey Public School Employees


Eligibility Rule

Article V, Section 5 of the By-laws of the NJEA Frederick L. Hipp Foundation for Excellence in Education, the following eligibility exclusions apply:  “No member of the Board of Trustees, the Advisory Committee or the Grant Selection Committee shall have or obtain a financial interest in any contract, grant or award made by the Foundation to any person or entity.” The Hipp Board of Trustees consists of the individuals who comprise the Executive Committee of the New Jersey Education Association.


Grant applications are accepted through March 1* of every year. To be considered for funding, grant application proposals must be submitted through the online portal and finalized with signatures uploaded to the Round 2/Signatures Round on or before March 1*.

After you have completed the application and it has been proofed, "SAVED and FINALIZED", you will be instructed to download a hard copy of the application to obtain three signatures.

Those signatures will include the project coordinator (you), local association president, and superintendent/county college president. Signature pages must be signed, scanned and uploaded as a PDF document to the application portal in the Round 2/Signatures Round by March 1*. You will receive an email with instructions to upload your signature pages after your grant application has been reviewed.

Note; If your application is completed before the deadline - we can review for common mistakes or errors upon request. This does not replace proofing prior to submission.



Apply for a Hipp Grant

If you have already registered and created an account, you may:

  • Log in and create a new application
  • Edit an entry you started, found to the left under "My Applications - In Progress"

If you haven't registered yet, you can--

  • Apply for a Hipp Grant here to register for an account and start a new application
  • Chrome browser is recommended, but online form is compatible with the latest versions of all web browsers.



Established in 1993, the NJEA Frederick L. Hipp Foundation for Excellence in Education was created to provide opportunities for school employees to expand their visions of excellence in our classrooms and schools. The only foundation of its kind in New Jersey, the Hipp Foundation has awarded more than $2.5 million in grants for innovative educational projects that represent a bold, fresh approach by public school employees. 

The Foundation honors the memory of Dr. Hipp, former NJEA executive director. Dr. Hipp developed an “NJEA approach” to field work and public relations that won national acceptance. As executive director, he oversaw a period of dramatic growth for NJEA. Membership increased from 27,000 to 110,000. Staff increased from three people to 159. Under his direction, NJEA became THE voice of public school employees in New Jersey.

Nationally, Dr. Hipp served on many National Education Association (NEA) task forces and strongly influenced NEA’s goals. He served on national education commissions and consulted with federal policymakers. Internationally, he worked with the World Confederation of the Organizations of the Teaching profession in countries from Switzerland to Ethiopia. When he retired in 1978, he continued to work to further the causes of public education and school employees.

The NJEA Frederick L. Hipp Foundation for Excellence in Education is not meant as a funding substitute for programs, supplies, or equipment that school districts should provide. Instead, it encourages "research and development" programs that improve teaching, expand educational access for students, encourage staff renewal, recognize and celebrate cultural diversity, and provide staff development opportunities. 

Initially funded by NJEA members who donated more than $1 million, the Foundation is supported by contributions from businesses, local and county associations, and individual members.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this grant opportunity or the online application process, please contact the Hipp Foundation at hipp@njea.org
